Dallas’ best Sports, Darts, Pool, Patio, and Dive Bar!

Originally opened in 1971 by Ned Smith and three of his buddies, there are many different stories about how the Milo Butterfingers name originated, but no one knows for sure. One popular version is that Ned and his friends were having a fun night when they began talking about a fellow named Milo who was quite the screw-up. At the same time, one of Ned's friends was eating a Butterfinger candy bar. When they woke up the next morning, the night before was a cloudy memory but the name Milo Butterfingers remained.

Good times, good friends, cold drinks and an amazing patio. No matter where you travel, mention Dallas and people know the "world famous" Milo Butterfingers.

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Open everyday with happy hour drink specials.

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